The Orlando LMT

Elevate your wellness journey with massage and discover the transformative power of therapeutic touch.


Eight years of expertise meets a passion for holistic wellness. As a licensed massage therapist, I specialize in providing tailored treatments that address your specific needs, whether you're seeking targeted deep tissue relief, the soothing touch of Swedish massage, increased range of motion and flexibility through flexage, or the release of myofascial tension. With a commitment to client comfort and convenience, I offer both in-office and in-home sessions, ensuring that relaxation and rejuvenation are always within reach. Trust in my experience and dedication to guide you on your journey to wellness and vitality

In-office and mobile


Our office is conveniently located in Maitland, FL. Can’t make it into the office? No worries – we can come to your location.

670 N Orlando Ave Suite 100 Maitland, FL 32751


“Natalie is a kind, patient, knowledgeable massage therapist who has helped me manage chronic back and neck pain. She used a mix of therapeutic techniques specifically focused on my needs, and she adapts her approach as necessary to provide the best results.”


“Natalie is a wonderful massage therapist. She immediately made me feel comfortable, and I even trusted her massaging my injured foot, which I’m normally very protective of. She is so sweet and knowledgeable about massaging and stretching, too! I look forward to future massages with Natalie and would recommend her to anyone!”


Book your treatment today.